Tag Archives: ClaritySol_SocM

New focused twitter account – ClaritySol_SocM

I’ve started an additional Clarity Solutions twitter account, because my involvement in the Brickfish contest has brought me in to contact with new twitter folks, and many of them focus on Social Marketing. Much of my regular Clarity Solutions content is on subjects other than social marketing, so I thought I’d provide a more focused channel to help keep the signal to noise ratio as high as possible.

My specific goals for the account (and my social media process in general – not counting the contest) are:

1. to learn about social media, while providing interesting/informative content to those I’m in contact with
2. so that I can eventually interact intelligently with social media processes in my work life, especially with clients

I hope if social media is an interest of yours, that you’ll follow that account. Promise I’ll follow you back (unless your account seems spammy of course!). And there’s always the regular account: ClaritySol – for everyone generally! Thanks!

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Filed under Business, Marketing, Social Media