Tag Archives: Kat Reed

Site-Member Profile: Helping Survivors Manage!

Year Established: 2009

Business/Organization Name: Helping Survivors Manage

Owner/Executive Director Name: Kat Reed

Product Inception/Business Creation: Kat Reed created this definitive book on what to do when a loved one dies based on her own experiences after her mother’s death, when she discovered the lack of resources available for families facing the struggles inherent in the death of a loved one. She and her predominantly-deaf father experienced first-hand the same challenges that overwhelm so many. Kat decided to do something about it, and using her volunteer hospice experience and prior career in business and communications, she created this helpful resource which fills a much-needed gap for everyone who is a survivor facing these tasks.

Product/Service: Self-help instructional manual for the survivors of a death; death care industry, book and online tools. Begin Here guides survivors through the seemingly overwhelming practical yet necessary tasks that remain after a death, from residential to financial to personal. Leveraging Reed’s unique insights, invaluable suggestions, and organizational skills will help anyone simplify this process.

Unique Features/Competitive Advantage: Nothing else available similar to it in the market for the general public

Contact Information:

Kat Reed
PO Box 16058
Saint Paul, MN 55116

Notes/Misc other:
Finalist in the 2009 Midwest Independent Publishers Association Book Awards, Social Science category.

Currently focusing on large businesses to use book as a private label product; part of insurance services; as well as EAP (Employee Assistance Program) for large companies. Plans to expand the version to translate and customize into different languages for use all around the world; customize to religion, relationship, location, cause of death, death circumstance; versions that can accommodate those with disabilities. Also in the beginning stages of developing an “app” for the web and mobile devices. Plans to become and remain the “go-to” organization for after-death care concerning business responsibilities.

Best lessons learned:
A mentor in his late 70s told me that if you don’t keep up with technology, you WILL be left behind by your competitors.

High school art teacher and mentor said, and I always remember, “there is always room for improvement.”

Great ideas are a dime a dozen, what makes one succeed? Research the industry, research the competition, research profitability, research demand for the service/product, then hard work in your product/service; and start all over again, researching and studying every single day.

Asking and more importantly, listening.

If you cannot or will not manage an integral part of your business, (for example, branding/public relations/media) find someone who can and will, and hire it out to them.

Do the math.

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Filed under Business, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Site-Members, St. Paul

And a Kat Reed Interview also!

Radio KYMN interviewed Kat Reed this week!

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Press Release: Kat Reed & Helping Survivors Manage



Helping Survivors Manage

Saint Paul, MN



Saint Paul Self-Published Author Continues Helping Survivors After a Death

Need for Definitive Guidebook Exceeds Expectations

March 17, 2011 || Saint Paul, MN: Begin Here: helping survivors manage, the definitive resource on what to do when a loved one dies, enters into its second stage. What began as a personal spreadsheet has become an invaluable tool for others in the same boat. As proof of the need for just such a resource, overwhelming demand has warranted a 2nd Edition, just released in the first quarter of 2011.

This hands-on workbook guides survivors through the seemingly overwhelming practical and necessary tasks that remain after a death, from residential to financial to personal. Author Kat Reed based the guidebook/toolkit on her own experiences after her mom’s death. Discovering the lack of resources available to help her and her predominantly deaf dad with these tasks, Reed was forced to research and investigate solutions to the practical matters for herself. In turn, she self-published her user-friendly book in 2009 as a way to ease this burden for other survivors.

According to 2008 preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control, between 1979 and 2008, approximately 6,131 individuals died every single day in the United States. The survivors of these deaths are the foundation of this book. “When someone dies, there are countless organizations around the world that offer grief support, but none that provides the product that we offer,” Reed explains. “Helping Survivors Manage was created on the foundation of most new ventures: a void in the market. We hope to fill that need with our experienced team of subject matter experts (those who have been through it, as well as funeral directors, professional organizers, hospice, health and death care professionals) to help others through this difficult time.”

Begin Here: helping survivors manage has garnered national attention and earned acclaim as a 2009 Book Award Finalist in the Midwest Independent Publishers Association and a winner in the North American Bookdealers Exchange Fall 2010 Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. A dozen local and national mainstream and industry-specific publications have also recognized the book’s immense value and shared positive reviews and endorsements, including the following:

* Mary Divine, Pioneer Press: “It covers everything from whom to notify at the time of death to how to delegate.”
* Bill Ward, Star Tribune: “A guidebook/workbook covering everything from bills and pills to wills.”
* Kim Stacey, Association of Women Funeral Directors: “I can’t say enough about the value of this book.”

As of this press release, Reed has sold over 1,450 units with no marketing budget, only using Facebook, LinkedIn and her own website and blog to generate interest. Sales are attributed to word of mouth, press coverage and speaking engagements. The book is available on her website (www.HelpingSurvivorsManage.com), select bookstores in Minnesota and New Mexico, and a few online stores. The website also provides online forms and letters at no cost.



Begin Here: helping survivors: ISBN 978-1-61623-273-3, spiral bound, sturdy soft cover, 52 pages, 7”x9”, $24.00. Order at http://www.HelpingSurvivorsManage.com.


Kat Reed has more than 25 years experience in the financial/business world. Her background in bookkeeping and office management gives her the unique ability to address both the details and the big picture. She has been a hospice volunteer and has an affinity for the elderly. She became interested in the issues survivors face when both her parents died in a thirteen-month span. Kat lives in Minnesota with her husband and two cats.

Copyright © 2011 Helping Survivors Manage, All rights reserved.

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Patience, by Kat Reed




1. the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like.

2. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: to have patience with a slow learner.

3. quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence: to work with patience.

source: Dictionary.com

From my experience, an imperative essential to any undertaking in entrepreneurship is one of the most difficult to practice: patience. In 2009, I started my business with high hopes and outside influences praising me with optimistic promises of grandeur and sales beyond my wildest dreams. I have been working with entrepreneurs long enough (since 1988) to know it takes much more than a great idea and a flock of supporters to merely break even, let alone make “a lot” of money. The biggest financial goal for me was to get in the black. Self publishing is not cheap (with my specialized product) and I would never have been able to do it had I not had my husband and his income financing the endeavor. The dream would have taken five years instead of six months and may not have taken life at all if I had to have a full-time job along with working diligently to “sell” my product.

The Marketing budget for my new startup was about $100.00 (if that) for business cards and things I needed for speaking gigs – nothing more, no postcards, no flyers, nada. Marketing Plan: contact every news entity in every industry that fit into my “category” (funeral home, deathcare, aftercare, Hospice, houses of worship, financial planners, bookstores, many more) as well as any newspapers I thought someone may have an interest, boomer writers, women’s interest, local story; if I could draw a line from them to me or my product, I contacted them. With a “schpeel” that runs anywhere from 600-900 words – I realize this is entirely too many words, but my product is so specialized all are necessary – I tell my story in the shortest way possible to spark interest. I stopped keeping track of all the people and entities I contacted (always individually, never a mass email) due to the lack of reliable data it would give me (how did I even know they got my email? etc.) My hypothesis would be that I have contacted well over 200 and from that, 17 entities that have published a feature story, endorsement, interview, book review (a couple in the works as of this writing) or something similar singing the praises of the book, nothing negative – yet.

Where does patience come in here? Due to the internet and many media outlets falling under one entity, I discovered (what many already know) that if a story gets printed in one newspaper, it is very likely that the story will be printed in another paper, in another town, and possibly another state. This has helped my marketing (sales) tremendously. The first article printed was in my hometown of Galesburg, Illinois. When I googled myself, I found the story was in a dozen other online newspapers in other states! It was very exciting.

The last article written was in early October 2010. I was on the cover of the Lifestyle section of the Star Tribune. Hundreds of sales followed the article. Last week I got an order from an independent bookstore in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I was thrilled. The book is in a few bookstores in Minnesota, but none outside my state. I asked them how they found out about the book, he replied, “someone came in asking about it and they said they saw an article about it a month or so ago” and I thanked him for the info.

The best marketing I have had has been free. Believe me, I know it is not easy, but it is worth every email and who knows what could come of something I sent six months ago to someone? Patience is key.

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Site-Member Profile: Helping Survivors Manage

Year Established: 2009

Business/Organization Name: Helping Survivors Manage

Owner/Executive Director Name: Kat Reed

Product Inception/Business Creation: Kat Reed created this definitive book on what to do when a loved one dies based on her own experiences after her mother’s death, when she discovered the lack of resources available for families facing the struggles inherent in the death of a loved one. She and her predominantly deaf father experienced first-hand the same challenges that overwhelm so many. Kat decided to do something about it, and using her volunteer hospice experience and prior career in business and communications, she created this helpful resource which fills a much-needed gap for everyone who is a survivor facing these tasks.

Product/Service: Self-help instructional manual for the survivors of a death; death care industry, book and online tools. Begin Here guides survivors through the seemingly overwhelming practical yet necessary tasks that remain after a death, from residential to financial to personal. Leveraging Reed’s unique insights, invaluable suggestions, and organizational skills will help anyone simplify this process.

Unique Features/Competitive Advantage: Nothing else available similar to it in the market for the general public

Contact Information:

Kat Reed


PO Box 16058

Saint Paul, MN 55116





Notes/Misc other:

Finalist in the 2009 Midwest Independent Publishers Association Book Awards, Social Science category.

Currently focusing on large businesses to use book as a private label product; part of insurance services; as well as EAP (Employee Assistance Program) for large companies. Plans to expand the version to translate and customize into different languages for use all around the world; customize to religion, relationship, location, cause of death, death circumstance; versions that can accommodate those with disabilities. Also in the beginning stages of developing an “app” for the web and mobile devices. Plans to become and remain the “go-to” organization for after-death care concerning business responsibilities.

Best lessons learned:

A mentor in his late 70s told me that if you don’t keep up with technology, you WILL be left behind by your competitors.

High school art teacher and mentor said, and I always remember, “there is always room for improvement.”

Great ideas are a dime a dozen, what makes one succeed? Research the industry, research the competition, research profitability, research demand for the service/product, then hard work in your product/service; and start all over again, researching and studying every single day.

Asking and more importantly, listening.

If you cannot or will not manage an integral part of your business, (for example, branding/public relations/media) find someone who can and will, and hire it out to them.

Do the math.


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